

The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments/recommendations on the draft IG on the Enhancement of the Compliance of RTIs with the EEC Act.

All necessary documents can be accessed through:

  • IG on the Enhancement of the Compliance of RTI with the EEC Act
  • Annexes (A, B, and C)
  • Call for Comments Form

All comments/recommendations shall be submitted through the link:

Should you have any questions, you may e-mail us at

EV Advisory:

Curious about the electric vehicle prices and battery capacities in the Philippines?

With a variety of electric vehicle (EV) brands and models entering the Philippine market, finding an EV is more convenient. Check out the latest DOE recognized EV models below pursuant to the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act (EVIDA). These electric vehicles are for sale in the Philippines. If you are not sure where to charge your EV, you can easily search for charging stations near you through the EV Industry Portal.


The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments/recommendations on the proposed Department Circular on the "Prescribing the Minimum Energy Performance (MEP) for Sectors for Compliance of Designated Establishments under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act".

It will be highly appreciated if all comments be transmitted from 21 May 2024 to 7 June 2024.

Kindly refer to the link for the Call for Comments Form for the comments/recommendations format:

All comments /recommendations shall be submitted through:

The Draft DC can be accessed thorugh:

  • DC on Draft DC entitled Prescribing the Minimum Energy Performance (MEP) for Sectors for Compliance of Designated Establishments under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act.


The Department of Energy (DOE), through the Energy Utilization Management Bureau, solicits the comments and inputs on the following:

A. Draft Department Circular on the “Prescribing the Certification of Energy Conservation Officers (ECOs) through TESDA’s Micro-credentials Program (MCP) and Certification”

All interested individuals, and stakeholders may send comments at and on or before 12 April 2024.

Likewise, after gathering all comments from the energy stakeholders, the DOE-EUMB will be scheduling a Public Consultation (Pubcon) for the finalization of the said Department Circular. The revised version of these materials will be sent before the PubCon to serve as your reference.