Web Policy

Web Policy


 Welcome to the official website of the Philippine Department of Energy (DOE). Herein after referred to as the DOE Portal, this website is owned and operated by the DOE, the Philippine Government's lead agency for energy and energy-related matters. By using the DOE Portal, or parts thereof, the user hereby agrees to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use.


Restrictions/Prohibitions on Use


 The DOE Portal is a virtual gateway for various information and services provided by the DOE. It is designed to provide data and information to the general public for free. Users may quote or reproduce its contents in whole or in part provided the DOE is duly informed and acknowledged. Sale, rent, lease or loan of all or portions thereof of the DOE Portal is prohibited, including the use of its contents to develop or as part of any information material in any form of media that is offered for commercial distribution.


 Linkages from a website to the DOE Portal may be provided with the approval of the DOE and provided that the website does not engage in any illegal or pornographic activity. Links shall be discontinued immediately if the DOE finds any valid reason to do so.


 Users are prohibited from gathering information from the DOE Portal for sending or transmitting unsolicited commercial emails or unsolicited telephone calls or facsimile messages.


 If registration is requested, please provide accurate and complete information. Each registration is for the user's personal use only. It is non-transferable. Users are responsible for preventing unauthorized access under their registered names.


 The DOE Portal and/or any of its contents shall not be used in any unlawful activity or in any way that would violate any of the terms and conditions stated herein. We reserve the right to investigate complaints, suspected and reported violations and take appropriate actions thereafter.



 The contents of the DOE Portal are provided solely for information purposes. They are not intended and should not be construed as business, legal or any form of advice. The DOE manages all data/information postings in this Portal but does not guarantee, represent, warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usefulness or timeliness of any information, apparatus, product or process provided herein at the time of access. Any reference or link to a specific product, technology, manufacturer, process, service or website does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring.